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Export your Jackrabbit data
Dan Weaver avatar
Written by Dan Weaver
Updated over a week ago

Exporting your student and teacher data from Jackrabbit is easy. Run 2 simple reports, export the results and send them to us. We'll take care of the rest! πŸ™Œ

Head over to the Reports page:

Enrollment Detail report

  • Active Classes Only = Yes

  • Student Status = Active

  • Enrollment Status: Currently Enrolled In Class

Hit 'Submit' to run the report then click "Show/Hide Columns" to select which columns will be exported:

At a minimum we need:

  • Class Name

  • Instructors

  • Student First Name & Last Name

  • Contact First Name & Last Name

  • Primary Contact Email

If you use other columns to describe the classes and activity (like Status, Session, Cat1, Cat2, Cat3 and Room) please include them.

Hit the "Export" button, choose CSV as the format and hit "Export Data".

List Active Staff report

Click "Show/Hide Columns" to select which columns will be exported:

Hit the "Export" button, choose CSV as the format and hit "Export Data".

Send both the exported files to us via the chat window (just drop them into the message) or via email to

We will import your data within 24 hours! πŸŽ‰Β 

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