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The School Library for Teachers

The school library contains uploads made by your admins.

Dan Weaver avatar
Written by Dan Weaver
Updated over a year ago

The school library is an area in LessonMate that school owners and admins can use to upload files that will be shared with all the teachers.

When you visit your library page you'll see two sections - Your Library (your own uploads) and School Library (files uploaded by the owner or admins).

You can only view the files in the school library. You can't rename the files, change the folders or delete them. On each school upload you'll see an 'Add to My Library' button.

To use these uploads in your own library simply clicks 'Add to My Library' and the upload will be copied to your library. The button will change to 'In Your Library'.

From there you can do all the things you usually do with uploads - rename them, add them to different folders, download or delete them. and most importantly, use them when creating lessons! πŸš€

As usual, we welcome your feedback on this and all other features! πŸ˜€

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