LessonMate stores a 'cookie' in your browser so we know if you're signed in or not, and which account you're signed in to. Sometimes these cookies need to be reset to resolve issues with signing in to your account.
Follow these steps to remove any LessonMate browser cookies:
In Chrome browser, open a new tab and paste: chrome://settings/siteData
In the 'Search cookies' search bar, top-right, type 'lessonmate'
The results will show all cookies stored by LessonMate.
Click the trash can icon next to the 'app.lessomate.org' entry to remove it.
Do the same for any 'lessonmate.org' or 'www.lessonmate.org' entries.
Now head to the sign in page: https://app.lessonmate.org/signin
You should now be able to sign in to LessonMate as normal.
If you continue to have issues signing in, please contact us.